Proposal Submission Form
CreateWorld 2024
Your Name*
Your Email Address*
We'll send a confirmation email to this address on submission.
Email verification*
Re-enter the same email address you entered above here.
Alternative contact*
This can be a phone number, a FaceTime address, or some other way we can contact you in case of problems with email.
The name of the organisation that you work for. You can leave this blank if you work for yourself, or do not want your employer associated with your participation.
Where are you based?*
New Zealand
Track/Proposal Type*
Select the relevant option for your proposal
This is a title for your proposal, and will be used to identify it in the event program if your offer is accepted - please keep this short.
Duration in minutes*
Ideally, standard presentations should be 30 minutes in length, and workshops 180 minutes. Please indicate the length here, and for any other durations, please provide supporting information in the "Other Information" section below.
Identify what will be covered, and why it will be useful. This will help attendees decide whether this is for them, or they should attend another session. It is also used by reviewers to grade your proposal for the selection process.
Please don't include any personally identifying information about yourself in this section, as we try to run a blind review process.
About the Presenter*
Provide some information about yourself that is suitable for use as a bio in the event program - this should tell readers why you are qualified to present this content.
Please write this in the third person.
Any other information
Provide any additional information about you, or about your proposal here. Again, please don't include any personally identifying information about yourself in this section, as we try to run a blind review process.
Is your session likely to require a content warning?
Yes - may require a content warning
Some attendees will be sensitive to certain kinds of content, and if your proposal includes content that may be difficult for some attendees to experience, please let us know. We'll be in touch to discuss this and how best to handle it if your proposal is chosen.
Originality and attribution*
I confirm that this presentation will be my own work; any third party ideas or content will be properly attributed and will not infringe the intellectual property rights of any person.
Code of Conduct*
I acknowledge that this event operates under a
Code of Conduct
which I will adhere to should this proposal be selected.