Membership Application
This is where you can apply for membership to the AUC. You can apply for one of various levels of membership by completing the required details. Some applications require additional information - for example, student applications require proof of your status as a student.
After you've completed the application form, you'll be required to verify your email address. Once that's done, your application will be reviewed, and if approved we'll send you an invoice for the membership fees. Your membership will commence when your payment is received.
Payments aren't (yet) directly processed on this site - instead, we'll send you a Tax Invoice for the appropriate amount, which you can elect to pay via bank transfer (Australian members only) or via PayPal. PayPal can also be used for credit-card payments whether you have a PayPal account or not.
Note that AUC Membership is subject to the AUC Operating Policies,
summarised here.
The following membership categories are available:
Use this form if you are an individual, applying for membership in your own right (this includes student memberships). From a governance perspective, this level of membership includes the right to participate in AUC General Meetings, to vote in AUC elections, and to stand for elected positions once you meet any specific qualifying conditions.
Use this form if you represent an organisation that wishes to join the AUC as an organisational member. You need to provide the contact details of two people - typically one who will represent and promote the AUC within the organisation, and represents the organisation at AUC meetings, and the other who is responsible for payment of the membership fee. This level of membership includes the right for one representative of the organisation to participate in AUC General Meetings, to vote in AUC elections, and to stand for elected positions once they meet any specific qualifying conditions.
Associate memberships will soon be available to current employees and students of organisations that are already organisational members of the AUC. This level of membership provides access to members-only content. It includes the right to attend and participate in AUC meetings, but it does not include voting rights at those meetings. You'll need to contact your organisation's
AUC coordinator for details on how to sign up as an associate member when this option becomes available.